Class with Morgan Madison

I'm so grateful to be able to take online classes with people from the other side of the world. I know it's not quite the same as in-person learning, but it makes it much more accessible. 

I'm back in the glass studio, using the kiln again. Powder printing is similar to screen printing, but rather than using glass paint it's possible to push glass powder through the tiny gaps in a screen and print anything from bold shapes to detailed photographs. 

Having tried screen printing previously, I already had a screen with a couple of really detailed images. As the screen was designed to be used with glass paint I was a bit worried that it wouldn't work with the powder... but it actually worked really well, only allowing the finest powder through the design, but therefore creating a very detailed image.

Powder printed leopard before firingPowder printed leopard after firing

This technique is going to be so useful for my glass wafers. It adds details and texture and gives me some level of control compared to my usual method of making wafers. I really enjoyed learning from Morgan and would recommend any of his classes.



Information : :

Morgan Madison is a kiln formed glass artist living in Portland, Oregon - his work is well worth a look.
Take a look at his website here >> or find him on Instagram @morganmadison

Classes from Warm Glass in the UK can be found on their Glass School Website here >>

Contact Me

I live and work in Worcester in the UK. If you'd like to email me