A Japanese craft using special Mizuhiki rice paper cord.

I have just spent a very enjoyable afternoon with my daughter and my sister making various mizuhiki knots. We watched a couple of youTube videos and had a sheet of instructions, but once we'd got the general idea we mostly used reference pictures that I've been saving from Pinterest. 

It's tricky to get the knots really tight and even. And it's best to get them right first time rather than having to fix them, which never seems to work as well! 






Information : :

I bought the mizuhiki cord from an Etsy shop pikobeagle2000 which sells lovely fabrics and craft materials from Japan and, although I've only tried it once, this cord is firm and holds it's shape well. 



Contact Me

I live and work in Worcester in the UK. If you'd like to email me sayhello@karendewson.com