Korean Knotwork


I found this lovely comprehensive book on maedeup. It’s part of a series from the Korea Craft & Design Foundation and gives a detailed description of Korean Knotwork with plenty of photographs. I understand now, that maedeup is much more than just the knots themselves it also includes plaiting the cords and often tassels to finish off.

I may revisit this project because I love the challenge! I made half a dozen knots, mostly using a variety of youTube videos. I couldn’t understand the process from the drawings and written instructions - maybe that’s just how my brain works. The chrysanthemum knot still has me scratching my head...  but I did make one - eventually!!

When I return to Korean crafts I plan to make a wind chime and incorporate some knots in to the hanging string. 





Information : :

Maedŭp: The Craft of Knotting - Article on the V&A website  http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/m/maedup-the-craft-of-knotting/

These were my favourite videos on youTube:

Instructables tutorial, the best one I found for the chrysanthemum knot (known as a pan chang knot in Chinese knot work) https://www.instructables.com/id/Pan-Chang-Knotted-Ring/ - using the pins on a board method.

Contact Me

I live and work in Worcester in the UK. If you'd like to email me sayhello@karendewson.com