Projects 10 - 20. Another year (or so) and another 10 projects completed. I’ve made jogakbo patchwork glass, folded paper, learned to screen print on glass, achieved my photography diploma, tried pâte de verre, explored the colour yellow, tried my hand at bookbinding & lamp working, done more drawing and sewn some Korean mobiles.
- Tried and dismissed - Bookbinding
- Enjoyed, but no plans to try again - Lampworking
- Not ruled out - Pate de Verre, Paper Folding
- Might do more - Screen Printing on Glass, Sewing
- Will do more - Photography, Drawing
This year, bookbinding and lamp working fell into the category of ‘curious to find out how they worked, but not for me’ and, honestly, it’s a relief to reduce my list of interests! I can see me utilising screen printing on glass for future projects and photography works hand in hand with that.
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My current project is a deep dive into colour where I’m hoping to generate ideas for more glass work to follow. I’m also playing with abstract painting and ‘Painting with Glass’ Tim Carey style.